create or replace procedure RUN_DYNAMIC_SQL("sqlStatement" string) returns variant language javascript execute as caller as $$ class Query{ constructor(statement){ this.statement = statement; } } var out = {}; var query = getQuery(sqlStatement); if (query.error == null) { return rsToJSON(query); } else { return {"error": query.error}; } function rsToJSON(query) { var i; var row = {}; var table = []; while ( { for(col = 1; col <= query.statement.getColumnCount(); col++) { row[query.statement.getColumnName(col)] = query.resultSet.getColumnValue(col); } table.push(row); } return table; } function getQuery(sql){ var cmd = {sqlText: sql}; var query = new Query(snowflake.createStatement(cmd)); try { query.resultSet = query.statement.execute(); } catch (e) { query.error = e.message; } return query; } $$; -- Usage samples: -- Create a table. Note the use of $$ to define strings to avoid problems with single quotes call run_dynamic_sql($$ create or replace temp table foo(v variant) $$); -- Run a select statement. While this SP is intended to execute non queries, it will also -- Return a query's result set as a JSON as long as the JSON is under 16 MB in size. call run_dynamic_sql($$ select * from "SNOWFLAKE_SAMPLE_DATA"."TPCH_SF1"."NATION" $$); -- Show an example copying into a dynamically-named path in a stage: -- Create a scratch stage for the test create or replace stage my_stage; -- Set a variable for the path set today = current_date; select $today; -- Build the copy command. Use ' or $$ to terminate strings as convenient. set copycommand = 'copy into @my_stage/' || $TODAY || '/data.csv' || $$ from "SNOWFLAKE_SAMPLE_DATA"."TPCH_SF1"."NATION" file_format = (type = CSV, field_optionally_enclosed_by = '"') $$; -- Examine the statement to make sure it looks okay select $copycommand; -- Copy the file to the dynamic path call run_dynamic_sql($copycommand); create stage mystage; call run_dynamic_sql('copy into @mystage/' || current_date || '/data.csv from SNOWFLAKE_SAMPLE_DATA.TPCH_SF1.NATION file_format = (type = CSV)');