Executing Multiple SQL Statements in a Stored Procedure

Snowflake in the Carolinas > SnowSQL > Stored Procedures > Executing Multiple SQL Statements in a Stored Procedure

A classic DBA technique to run a large number of SQL statements is to create them using a concatenated select statement. Suppose you need to delete all tables that end with “TEST”. You can list them in Snowflake’s INFORMATION_SCHEMA using:


If you need to drop a handful of tables that way, a list if enough. If there are dozens or hundreds, this works better:

select 'drop table ' || "TABLE_NAME" || ';' from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where "TABLE_NAME" ilike '%TEST';

The above example generates a drop statement for each table in a database that ends with TEST. You can use this technique to generate bulk SQL to perform a wide range of management tasks. For example you may want to change the ownership of tables in bulk like this:

SELECT 'grant ownership on table ' || 
       table_name || 
       ' to role my_new_role copy grants;' 
WHERE grantor = 'old_grant_role';

Executing this SQL will generate rows that look like this:

1grant ownership on table CUSTOMER to role my_new_role copy grants;
2grant ownership on table LINEITEM to role my_new_role copy grants;
3grant ownership on table NATION to role my_new_role copy grants;
4grant ownership on table ORDERS to role my_new_role copy grants;

You can see where this is heading. A SQL statement generates statements to run, and then someone — or preferably something by automation — runs them.

Here is that something. The Snowflake stored procedure below will:

  • Accept a string parameter that is a SQL statement designed to generate rows of SQL statements to execute.
  • Execute the input SQL statement to generate a list of SQL statements to run.
  • Run all statements identified by the “SQL_COMMAND” column one at a time.
use database TEST;
use warehouse TEST;

create or replace procedure RunBatchSQL(sqlCommand String)
    returns string
    language JavaScript
 * Stored procedure to execute multiple SQL statements generated from a SQL query
 * Note that this procedure will always use the column named "SQL_COMMAND"
 * @param {String} sqlCommand: The SQL query to run to generate one or more SQL commands 
 * @return {String}: A string containing all the SQL commands executed, each separated by a newline. 
      cmd1_dict = {sqlText: SQLCOMMAND};
      stmt = snowflake.createStatement(cmd1_dict);
      rs = stmt.execute();

      var s = '';

      while (rs.next())  {
          cmd2_dict = {sqlText: rs.getColumnValue("SQL_COMMAND")};
          stmtEx = snowflake.createStatement(cmd2_dict);
          s += rs.getColumnValue(1) + "\n";
      return s;

-- This is a select query that will generate a list of SQL commands to excute, in this case some grant statements. 
-- This SQL will generate rows to grant select on all tables for the DBA role (change to specify another role). 
select distinct ('grant select on table ' || table_schema || '.' || table_name || ' to role DBA;') AS SQL_COMMAND
order by SQL_COMMAND;

-- As a convienience, this grabs the last SQL run so that it's easier to insert into the parameter used to call the stored procedure. 
set query_text = (  select QUERY_TEXT
                    from table(information_schema.query_history(result_limit => 2))
                    where SESSION_ID = Current_Session() and QUERY_TYPE = 'SELECT' order by START_TIME desc);

-- Confirm that the query_text variable has the correct SQL query to generate our SQL commands (grants in this case) to run.
select $query_text;

-- Run the stored procedure. Note that to view its output better, double click on the output to see it in multi-line format,
Call RunBatchSQL($query_text);

--Check the last several queries run to make sure it worked.
from table(information_schema.query_history(result_limit => 100))
where SESSION_ID = Current_Session() order by START_TIME desc;

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