Grouping Numbers in Snowflake

Snowflake in the Carolinas > SnowSQL > Functions > Grouping Numbers in Snowflake

As I started working with Snowflake, one of the things I noticed is that large integers appear without grouping symbols. When counting rows in a table, it may display as 752941241 rows. Without counting the digits, it’s hard to see at a glance if this is about 75 million rows or 750 million rows.

After reading the docs, I found a simple way to format long numbers with grouping digits.

select to_varchar(count(*), '999,999,999') as TRIP_COUNT from trips;

I’m using a large number in the format string because when a the first argument in to_varchar exceeded the capacity of the number in the format string, the function will return ###,###. Be sure to use a format string large enough for any return. I have tested it with format strings as large as 999,999,999,999,999,999,999 (that’s twenty one 9’s). If the format string is larger than the required number of digits, the function will return the right sized formatted number without leading spaces or zeros.

You can also specify a decimal point using dot character. For example, to show a number with grouped digits and a decimal point:

select to_varchar(some_column, '999,999,999.999999999') from some_table;

This will show up to the maximum number of digits specified in the format string. but will not show more than are necessary. The decimal point will always show up, even when there’s no decimal portion of the number. I will see if there’s a way to format this better and update here.

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