Month: November 2020

Geolocation of IP Addresses in Snowflake – Part 3

Geolocation of IP Addresses in Snowflake – Part 3

Programming Note

This is a continuation of the Part 1 and Part 2 of this series. Since considerable time has passed and changes made to the testing since posting those articles, this post will start from the beginning.

The Business Case for Geolocating IP Numbers

Business intelligence and data science teams can get valuable insights knowing the geolocation of website visitors. Suppose a product launch gets lots of web traffic, but the only source of information on visitors is the web log. Some web server statistics report on traffic grouped by nation, but what if we want to get much more granular information and incorporate this information with the main data warehouse?

The First Step – Getting Web Visitor IP Numbers

Let’s take one sample web server among many, Apache Web Server, and quickly examine the structure of a log entry. Here’s a line in a sample Apache Web Server log. - - [07/Mar/2004:16:05:49 -0800] "GET /twiki/bin/edit/Main/Double_bounce_sender?topicparent=Main.ConfigurationVariables HTTP/1.1" 401 12846

In the Apache documentation, we can get more detailed information on the meaning of each field in the line, but for now we’re going to concentrate on 1) how to load the web logs into Snowflake, and 2) the key aspects for business intelligence and geolocation.

Importing Web Log Data

Loading the data is a quick proposition. Even without reading the Apache documentation it’s clear that the web log is space delimited and wraps any fields with spaces inside double quotes. Snowflake provides a very simple way to ingest structured data in flat files using File Formats. You can create a file format using SnowSQL (documented here: or you can use the Snowflake Web UI (documented here:

Note: Although the Apache Web Log is space delimited, we will use the CSV option for the Snowflake File Format — simply change the delimiter from a comma to a space.

Note: For this exercise, we’ll use a database named WEBLOG. The Apache Web Server data will go into a schema named APACHE_WEB_SERVER, and the geolocating data will go in a schema named IP2LOCATION. You can change the sample code as necessary if you’d prefer to use another database or different schema names.

Here is the Snowflake File Format you can use to import Apache Web Server logs:


Where to Get Sample Apache Web Server Logs

One of the thing needed to test geolocating a web server log is, well, a web server log. As it turns out, this is not an easy thing to do. After some research, I located a partially obfuscated Apache web log from the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) available here:

Their weblogs obfuscate the final quad of the IPv4 dotted quad, so they look like this: 192.168.1.jjr.

After loading the data, we now need to geolocate the web hits. Problem: the Apache Web Server log, as most web logs, does not show anything for geolocation. Fortunately in most cases, we can use the visitor’s IP address to get fairly accurate geolocation.

Later in this article, we’ll show how to convert the partially obfuscated IP dotted quad for use in geolocation.

Where to Get IP Number Geolocation Databases

Third party services keep up to date databases of IPv4 and IPv6 geolocation data. Once such service I found at includes free databases with less rich information than the paid versions. In my testing I found the free databases accurate and useful, though production BI or data science work should consider the paid versions.

Another source available through Snowflake’s Data Marketplace is I have not tested their IP geolocation data source, but the schema is similar to the one provided by IP2Location and the two should work similar in this article. One advantage of using Snowflake’s Data Marketplace is that the partner keeps the data up to date using Snowflake data sharing.

If you use the IP2Location free database, here is a Snowflake File Format to import the data:


After copying the file to a stage named IP2LOCATION, You can then copy the data into a table using this COPY INTO statement:

create table IP_TO_LOCATION as
select  $1::int as START_IP,
        $2::int as END_IP,
        $3::string as ISO_COUNTRY,
        $4::string as COUNTRY,
        $5::string as STATE_PROVINCE,
        $6::string as CITY,
        $7::double as LATITUDE,
        $8::double as LONGITUDE,
        $9::string as POSTAL_CODE,
        $10::string as TZ_OFFSET
from @IP2LOCATION (file_format => 'IP2LOCATION');

Preparing the Data

The next question is how to resolve millions or billions of web log lines’ IP address to approximate geolocation. This is where Snowflake shines. The IP2Location LITE comes as a flat structured file with millions of rows After creating another Snowflake File Format, it’s an easy matter to turn the IP2Location flat file into a Snowflake table. From there, Snowflake’s powerful massive-scale join make it a simple matter to create a joined view that shows the IP’s approximate location.

Before using the geolocation data, there’s a data preparation item to get it working. The IP2Location data comes with IPs represented by 32-bit integers, not the familiar dotted quad notation. This makes it much easier to use code and database routines that search for ranges of IPs that all happen to be in the same area by specifying a lower and upper range for the IP number.

IP Dotted Quad:     IP 32-bit Integer, Decimal         3232235777

This means we need to convert our dotted quad values into 32-bit integer values. Fortunately, Snowflake makes that easy with a UDF (User Defined Function):

--Convert an IPv4 Dotted Quad into an IP Number
create or replace function IpToInteger(ipAddress varchar)
  returns double 
  language javascript
  as '
    var ipQuad = IPADDRESS.split(".");
    var quad1 = parseInt(ipQuad[0]);
    var quad2 = parseInt(ipQuad[1]);
    var quad3 = parseInt(ipQuad[2]);
    var quad4 = parseInt(ipQuad[3]);
    return (quad1 * 16777216) + (quad2 * 65536) + (quad3 * 256) + quad4;

Simulating the Partially Obfuscated IP Number:

If you don’t have your own web logs and are using the ones mentioned in this article from the SEC, they obfuscate the final quad of the IPv4 dotted quad, so they look like this: 192.168.1.jjr.

According to the SEC’s documentation, their method will always replace the final number from 0 to 255 with the same three-letter value. The SEC does not disclose that “jjr” maps to something like 134, but for the purposes of this test it’s acceptable to assign all 256 unique three letter replacements with numbers from 0 to 255.

After downloading the log file named “”, we need to load it to a stage and use a file format to parse it. Here is the file format I used:


After loading the data into a table (I called mine IP_TO_LOCATION in the WEBLOG database and IP2LOCATION schema), the next thing to do is replace the three-letter obfuscated replacements with numbers from 0 through 255. To do this, I ran an ELT process replace these values using these steps:

Step 1: Create a new table with all the columns from the original web log, plus a new column to hold the last three characters of the IP number (the three-letter replacement).

Step 2: Create a table with each of the distinct values in the new column. There will be 256 representing numbers from 0 through 255. For the purposes of this exercise, it is not important which numbers map to which three-letter replacements, so I assigned them in sequential order from 0 through 255 in the order returned in the select distinct query. I called these IP numbers simulated, even though only the final quad of the dotted quads is simulated.

Step 3: Convert the IP dotted quads into IP numbers using the UDF in Part 1 of this series. The SQL looks like this:

create table WEB_LOG_ENRICHED as
select IpToInteger(SIMULATED_IP) as IP_NUMBER,
from IP_LOG) -- Note: IP_LOG holds the raw Apache Web Server logs

Simulating the IP Numbers at Scale

I was concerned about performance running a Javascript UDF millions of 20,488,579 times to convert IP dotted quads into IP numbers. It turned out I needn’t have been concerned. Snowflake converted all 20.5 million in 16.97 seconds using an Extra Small (XS) warehouse. Out of curiosity, I dropped the resulting table and increased the size of the warehouse to a medium (M) and it ran in 7.85 seconds. This provides empirical evidence that increasing the warehouse size improves performance including those with UDFs.

This led me to the final part of the experiment — resolving the IP numbers in the web log to the geolocations. We have the IP numbers in the a log table, and the IP geolocations in another. My first thought was to join the tables, but this is an unusual join. The standard join matches keys. In this example, we need to use inequalities to join the table. In other words, join the IP log information with the geolocation data where the IP log’s IP number falls between the lower and upper bounds of a locations address range.

Geolocating the Web Hits

This leads to the final part of the experiment — resolving the IP numbers in the web log to the geolocations. We have the IP numbers in the a log table, and the IP geolocations in another. My first thought was to join the tables, but this is an unusual join. The standard join matches keys. In this example, we need to use inequalities to join the table. In other words, join the IP log information with the geolocation data where the IP log’s IP number falls between the lower and upper bounds of a locations address range.

on W.IP_INT >= L.START_IP and W.IP_INT <= L.END_IP limit 100;

While this works, the performance was not practical for at scale usage. In this test, geocoding 100 web log entries on an extra small warehouse (single node) took about 30 seconds. That simply won’t scale.

Performance Tuning the Geolocation

In most cases the first step in improving a Snowflake query is examining the query profiler. Here’s the query profile for the first test run of the geolocation:

Query Profile on Cartesian Join

The left outer join seems to be the culprit here. It turns out Snowflake’s optimizer doesn’t particularly like doing a left outer join on an inequality. The interesting thing about that is this should be a one to one relationship. For each IP number in the web log, there should be exactly one row where that IP number falls into the right range.

This allows us to do a cartesian join instead:

    on W.IP_INT >= L.START_IP and W.IP_INT <= L.END_IP limit 500000; 

This leads to a query profile like this:

Query Profile of CartesianJoin

More important, it leads to performance like this on an extra small warehouse:

After running an initial query that took a few seconds and got the critical IP geolocation table into the cache, geolocating half a million web log entries took just five seconds.

Least Privilege Access to Monitor Snowflake Usage

Least Privilege Access to Monitor Snowflake Usage

The SNOWFLAKE Database

All Snowflake accounts should have a database named SNOWFLAKE. It’s a shared database, using Snowflake’s secure data sharing.

If you set up your Snowflake account before the spring of 2019, you may need to import the shared database. If you don’t see the SNOWFLAKE database in your account and don’t see it as an inbound share, contact Snowflake Support.

Snowflake, Inc. (the company) unsurprisingly runs a number of its own Snowflake accounts. The SNOWFLAKE database in your account is an inbound share from the Snowflake, Inc. account running on your cloud provider and region.

Because the SNOWFLAKE database contains information on usage and metering, by default only the ACCOUNTADMIN role has privileges to select on the views.

Attempting Grants on the SNOWFLAKE Database

Without this background, it’s possible to conclude improperly that only the ACCOUNTADMIN can access the views in the SNOWFLAKE database. Here’s why:

-- A user may try something like this:

This will result in the error Grant not executed: Insufficient privileges.

The ACCOUNTADMIN is the most powerful role in a Snowflake account. Because of this, a person may conclude that there’s no way to grant privileges on the “special” SNOWFLAKE database.

Granting Privileges on SNOWFLAKE to Human Users

As previously discussed, the only thing special about the SNOWFLAKE database is it’s an inbound shared database. You can grant access to the SNOWFLAKE database the same way you do for any other inbound shared database:

grant imported privileges on database SNOWFLAKE to role SYSADMIN;
use role SYSADMIN; -- Remember to always get out of the ACCOUNTADMIN role when done using it.

This will grant select on all views in the SNOWFLAKE database to the SYSADMIN role. It’s up to your organization whether or not you want to grant this access. Personally, I recommend it. It allows users with SYSADMIN role but not ACCOUNTADMIN role to monitor usage. It also allows users with ACCOUNTADMIN role to use least privilege to access this information without changing roles to ACCOUNTADMIN. Any time a user changes to ACCOUNTADMIN it’s possible to forget to get out of that role. That risks performing other actions such as creating object that generally shouldn’t be done in that role.

Granting Privileges on SNOWFLAKE to Machine Users

If granting access to the SNOWFLAKE database is for a dashboard or machine user, you can do something like this:

-- You must use the ACCOUNTADMIN role to assign the required privileges
-- Optionally create a warehouse to monitor Snowflake activity.
-- Only create a warehouse dedicated to account usage if there are several
-- clients (performance monitors, BI packages, etc.) using it.
create or replace warehouse MONITOR_SNOWFLAKE warehouse_size = 'X-Small';
-- Create a new role intended to monitor Snowflake usage.
create or replace role MONITOR_SNOWFLAKE;
-- Grant privileges on the SNOWFLAKE database to the new role.
grant imported privileges on database SNOWFLAKE to role MONITOR_SNOWFLAKE;
-- Create a user.
create or replace user    SNOWFLAKE_MONITOR
    password            = 'My_Password_123!'
    default_warehouse   = MONITOR_SNOWFLAKE
    default_role        = MONITOR_SNOWFLAKE
    default_namespace   = SNOWFLAKE.ACCOUNT_USAGE
--  rsa_public_key      = 'MIIBIjANBgkqh...' -- Optional, see note.
-- Note: Snowflake recommends using key authentication for machine users:
-- Grant usage on the warehouse used to monitor Snowflake.
grant usage on warehouse MONITOR_SNOWFLAKE to role MONITOR_SNOWFLAKE;
-- Grant the monitor role to the user.
-- Get out of the ACCOUNTADMIN role when done.
use role SYSADMIN;

Increasing Granularity of the Grants

Let’s discuss more granular access to the views in an imported shared database. Privileges on the imported shared database itself are all or nothing. If you want to control access with more granularity, create a set of “select * from…” views selecting from the SNOWFLAKE database. You can then manage the grants on those views individually.

Snowflake Version

Snowflake Version

One of the great things about being a Snowflake customer is you’ll never have to perform upgrades and patches. Snowflake performs upgrades and patches for you, transparently with no down time or degraded performance.

Upgrades and patches happen so seamlessly, I suspect most customers would have no idea what release of the Snowflake platform they’re currently running. I know I don’t. That’s a good thing. Old features keep working as Snowflake enables new features on an ongoing basis.

There are times when it’s useful to know what version of Snowflake you’re running. You can check what version of Snowflake you’re running using the CURRENT_VERSION() function:


At the time of this writing, the current version of Snowflake is 4.39.5. There are situations where it’s useful to know when Snowflake performed upgrades and patches over time. For example, if you have a SQL statement that you didn’t change and it performed differently than before, one explanation could be a change of Snowflake version.

You can check your Snowflake version over time running this statement:

select      to_date(min(START_TIME))  as START_DATE,
            to_date(max(START_TIME))  as END_DATE,
having      START_DATE >= current_date - 30   -- Check upgrades for previous 30 days 
order by    START_DATE desc;

If you see a change in version between the times your regularly run statement executed differently, that could be one possibility. To help confirm that, you can go to the query history in the Snowflake UI and examine the query profiles for each query. If they look the same, the version upgrade isn’t the explanation for the difference. If they look different, the version upgrade could be a possible reason.

Regex Non-Capturing Groups and Lookarounds in Snowflake

Regex Non-Capturing Groups and Lookarounds in Snowflake

If you don’t need the background or discussion of how they work and just want to download Snowflake UDFs that support regex non-capturing groups, lookaheads, and lookbehinds, you can download them here:

Now for the background:

Snowflake supports regular expressions (regex) for string matching and replacements. If your regex skills are like mine, Snowflake’s regex implementation provides more than you’ll ever need.

For regex ninjas and people who want to use regular expression libraries, there are two commonly-used capabilities that this post explains Snowflake’s regex functions do not currently support: non-capturing groups and lookarounds.

Every once in a while I run into a customer who’s a regex ninja or wants to use a regex from a library that requires one of these capabilities.

It occurred to me that JavaScript supports regex with these features, and Snowflake supports JavaScript user defined functions (UDFs). To use a regex in Snowflake that has non-capturing groups or lookarounds, It’s a simple matter of writing a UDF.

The problem is writing a new UDF for each use of a regex reduces some of the main advantages of regular expressions including compactness and simplicity.

This lead me to write two general-purpose UDFs that approximate Snowflake’s REGEXP_REPLACE and RLIKE (synonym REGEXP_LIKE) as closely as possible while enabling non-capturing groups and lookarounds.

I named the JavaScript UDFs similar to the Snowflake functions they approximate, REGEXP_REPLACE2 and RLIKE2 (synonym REGEXP_LIKE2). I also overloaded the UDFs so that you can call them using minimal parameters or optional parameters the same as their base Snowflake functions.

Here’s an example of their usage:

-- Running the base function returns this error:
-- Invalid regular expression: 'bar(?=bar)', no argument for repetition operator: ?
select regexp_replace('foobarbarfoo', 'bar(?=bar)', '***');

-- Running the UDF approximating the base function returns foo***barfoo
select regexp_replace2('foobarbarfoo', 'bar(?=bar)', '***');

-- Running the base function returns this error:
-- Invalid regular expression: 'bar(?=bar)', no argument for repetition operator: ?
select rlike('foobarbarfoo', 'bar(?=bar)');

-- Running the UDF approximating the base function returns TRUE
select rlike2('foobarbarfoo', 'bar(?=bar)');

You can download the UDFs on my Github here:

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